What to wear to your newborn photoshoot
Okay so you’ve booked your newborn photoshoot, and you're super excited to get some timeless, natural photographs to capture this special time in your lives. But hold up… What are you going to wear?! I’m going to walk you through everything you need to know from what colours look good, my client wardrobe and what your baby will wear. I’ve got you sorted.
Mum Hack: I would definitely recommend sorting out your outfits before your baby arrives so it’s one less thing to think about postpartum.
Let’s start with baby
If you’ve had a look at my work, you’ll see it’s very clean, white, natural and timeless. Babies are usually always either wrapped in a knit blanket, stretchy wraps or a beautiful knitted outfit. The good news is I have all of this, freshly washed and ready to go.
However in saying that, if you have a special outfit or something you would like to incorporate you are more than welcome to bring it!
In summary, you don't need to bring anything specific for your baby to wear.
Alright mumma, you’re here for my recommendation so I’m going to give it to you. I suggest you wear a light coloured dress. Reason being is that it’s a soft, timeless look and won’t take away from the star of the show (your new baby). A flowy dress is great because it’s comfortable and flattering.
If you're thinking you might have to go out and buy a new dress for the occasion, I’ll stop you there. Well, I mean you can, if you want, any excuse for a bit of retail therapy. BUT, I do have a client wardrobe that you can borrow from. I have a range of dresses that can be worn across multiple sizes, most of which are breastfeeding friendly too.
Dads are relatively easy to dress for newborn sessions. A pair of jeans or chinos (short or long) will do the trick with a light coloured shirt is perfect. Dad’s don’t need to dress up (try and stay away from business shirts) a relaxed smart casual look will do the trick.
If you have other kids, try and stay along the lines of neutral colours too. This is even a good opportunity to introduce some textures or patterns (knits, corduroy, linens). Try and make sure it’s something they are comfortable in and doesn’t need to be constantly adjusted (Eg. Shirts that need to be tucked in or outfits that show undies of nappies easily)
Mum hack: If your other kids are relatively young and you are worried about spills, or them getting dirty feel free to bring their outfit and get them changed last minute.
What to avoid
Avoid bright colours, they can actually reflect on your babies skin and throw off all types of weird colour casts. Also try to avoid large distracting logos on T shirts. Again, we are going for a timeless, neutral look to keep that focus on your beautiful new baby and your family’s connection.
A note about the room temperature
The studio will be quite warm for the duration of the newborn shoot. It may feel a little uncomfortable for the rest of the family so I suggest wearing something that you will be cool in. You can always get changed at the last minute into your photo outfits for the family shots. The reason the room will be warm is so your baby doesn’t get cold and can remain warm and sleepy for shots like this:
I hope this was super helpful! And if you haven’t booked your newborn photos yet I recommend getting onto it ASAP as I only take a limited amount per month.
Madi x